Agriculture Repairs
Pin and Bushing Bore Repairs
Our automatic bore welder and line boring equipment can repair worn out pin and bushing bores.
We stock...
Inch and metric pin material
Plastics and bronze bushing materials
Hydraulic Repair
Automatic power hone
Stocking chrome rod material for rod replacement
Reseal and pressure test, nut torquing
Custom cylinder manufacturing
Worn Shaft Repairs
Worn seal surfaces and damaged bearing fits can be repaired by hot or cold spray welding.​
Large Capacities
We have some of the largest capacities in ​Northern Alberta:
Our shop is equipped with 7 cranes with capacity up to 10 tonnes, for heavy lifting
2 boring mills, with up to 30,000 lb capacity
7 lathes, capacity up to 40" by 200"
Pick up and delivery of parts available

our background is farming

We repair old farming equipment as well as new.

We make custom pins and bushings at Millwright Machine.

Construction Repairs

we stock induction hardened 4140 pin material, aluminum bronze bushing material, and pre-made shims

We do line boring without removing catwalks.

Repairs to internal parts.

For faster weld times.

Worn Pin and Bushing Bores
Portable automatic bore welder and line boring
We stock...
Inch and metric pin material
Plastics and bronze bushing materials
Spacer shims
Hydraulic Cylinder Repair
Automatic honing bench
We carry cylinder chrome rod material for rod replacement
Reseal and pressure test, nut torquing
Custom cylinder manufacturing
Documented 40 point inspection
Repairs to Internal Parts on Heavy Equip.
Worn power train parts (damaged shafts and housings)
Attachment overhauls
Large Capacities
We have some of the largest capacities in ​Northern Alberta:
Our shop is equipped with 7 cranes with capacity up to 10 tonnes, for heavy lifting
2 boring mills, with up to 30,000 lb capacity
7 lathes, capacity up to 40" by 200"
Pick up and delivery of parts available
Forestry Repairs
Worn Pin and Bushing Bores
Portable automatic bore welder and line boring
We stock...
Inch and metric pin material
Plastics and bronze bushing materials
Spacer shims
Hydraulic Cylinder Repair
Repairs to Internal Parts on Heavy Equip.
Repairs to Internal Parts on Heavy Equip.​
Worn power train parts (damaged shafts and housings)
Attachment overhauls
Large Capacities
We have some of the largest capacities in ​Northern Alberta:
Our shop is equipped with 7 cranes with capacity up to 10 tonnes, for heavy lifting
2 boring mills, with up to 30,000 lb capacity
7 lathes, capacity up to 40" by 200"
Pick up and delivery of parts available

we stock induction hardened 4140 pin material, aluminum bronze bushing material, and pre-made shims

Line boring without removing catwalks.

For faster weld times.
Gravel Crusher Repairs
Process Support
Custom clamp cylinders
Tramp cylinder repairs
Jaw repairs, eccentric shafts
Mantle nut remanufacturing
Seal plates
Mantle repairs
Conveyer repairs
Lube pumps
Large Capacities
We have some of the largest capacities in ​Northern Alberta:
Our shop is equipped with 7 cranes with capacity up to 10 tonnes, for heavy lifting
2 boring mills, with up to 30,000 lb capacity
7 lathes, capacity up to 40" by 200"
Pick up and delivery of parts available
On Site Repairs
Automatic boring welding and line boring
Portable lathe
Portable keyway cutting
And more!

our design lasts longer,

Lumber Mill Repairs
Pin and Bushing Repairs
Portable automatic bore welder and line boring
We stock...
Inch and metric pin material
Bushing materials in various bronzes and plastics
Spacer shims
Hydraulic and Pneumatic Cylinders
Automatic honing bench
Stocking chrome rod material for rod replacement
Reseal and pressure test, nut torquing
Custom cylinder manufacturing
Documented 40 point inspection
Large Capacities
We have some of the largest capacities in ​Northern Alberta:
Our shop is equipped with 7 cranes with capacity up to 10 tonnes, for heavy lifting
2 boring mills, with up to 30,000 lb capacity
7 lathes, capacity up to 40" by 200"
Pick up and delivery of parts available
Production Line
Manufacturing and repairs for:
Head shafts and line shafts
Feel rolls and spike bar inserts
On Site Services
Portable lathe
Portable keyway cutting
Portable line boring
And more!

Oil and Gas Industry Repairs
Frac Support
Fluid end and stuffing box repairs
Sand handling component repairs
And much more!
Large Capacities
We have some of the largest capacities in ​Northern Alberta:
Our shop is equipped with 7 cranes with capacity up to 10 tonnes, for heavy lifting
2 boring mills, with up to 30,000 lb capacity
7 lathes, capacity up to 40" by 200"
Pick up and delivery of parts available
Repairs to Internal Parts on Heavy Equip.
Worn power train parts (damaged shafts and housings)
Fixture for safety rebuilding track spring assemblies
Well Servicing
We provide production support by fixing parts or manufacturing custom parts for our clients, e.g. downhole tools.

custom parts and repairs to keep you going

OSB Mill Repairs
Forming Line Components
Manufacturing and repairs for process equipment, including:
Chain dogs
Head bar and push bars
Operations Support
We stock common shaft size in 1045 TGP, 4140 TGP
Hydraulic manufacturing and repairs
Grapple repairs and custom manufacturing
Damaged bearing fit repairs (on shafts and in housings)
On Site Services
Portable lathe
Portable keyway cutting
Portable line boring
And more!
Large Capacities
We have some of the largest capacities in ​Northern Alberta:
Our shop is equipped with 7 cranes with capacity up to 10 tonnes, for heavy lifting
2 boring mills, with up to 30,000 lb capacity
7 lathes, capacity up to 40" by 200"
Pick up and delivery of parts available

when no other repair procedure can be used, we still have this option, build up shaft surfaces without changing molecular structure

Pulp Mill Repairs
On Site Services
Portable automatic bore welder and line boring
Portable lathe
Portable keyway cutting
And more!
We stock inch and metric bar stock, 1018, 1045, 4140, and chrome
Stainless fasteners
And more!
Process Support
Roll and shaft repairs
Hydraulic cylinder repairs and custom manufacturing
Pump part repairs (impellers, shafts and housings)
Hydraulic and Pneumatic Cylinders
Automatic honing bench
Stocking chrome rod material for rod replacement
Reseal and pressure test, nut torquing
Custom cylinder manufacturing
Documented 40 point inspection

shows worn housing

we have lifting capacity for heavy lifts

Transportation Repairs
Trailer Repairs
Live roll repairs and custom manufacturing
Beaver tail hinge repairs
Scissorneck overhaul
And more!
Large Capacities
We have some of the largest capacities in ​Northern Alberta:
Our shop is equipped with 7 cranes with capacity up to 10 tonnes, for heavy lifting
2 boring mills, with up to 30,000 lb capacity
7 lathes, capacity up to 40" by 200"
Pick up and delivery of parts available
Truck Repairs
Damaged bearing fits in transmission housings
Worn seal surfaces and damaged bearing fits repairs by hot or cold spray welding
Hydraulic cylinder repairs
Winch repairs
Gin pole sheave and pole cap repairs
Wheel spindle repairs (replace damaged spindles on diff housings)
Flywheel and yoke repairs
Hydraulic Repair
Automatic power hone
Stocking chrome rod material for rod replacement
Reseal and pressure test, nut torquing
Custom cylinder manufacturing

After repairs at Millwright Machine Corp.

Before repairs

Bearing fits and spindles